“Gloria Amore Victis”


photo credits: Marek Zimakiewicz

Premiere: Capitol Musical Theatre, Wrocław, March 22, 2022

Warsaw premiere: Rampa Theater, Warsaw, May 6, 2022

more info: https://teatr-rampa.pl/spektakl/gloria-amore-victis/

Girls and Boys. But Without Boys (Dziewczyny i Chłopaki. Ale Bez Chłopaków -DIC. ABC) is a pandemic home music group founded by actress Weronika Kowalska and director Ewa Rucińska, defining its musical style as“ odd romantic ”. 

„Gloria Amore Victis” is their music feminist stand-up inspired by the title of an ironic sculpture by Oskar Dawicki, referring to the poetics of typical "honor" plaques, praising all unhappily lovers.

The premiere of the performance took place at the 42nd Stage Song Review at the Capitol Musical Theater in Wrocław in March 2022. A female duo of “Girls and Boys. But Without Boys” won the first distinction in this competition.

If you've ever broken your heart or broke it, you will probably become a loyal fan of the band.


Ewa RUCINSKA and Weronika KOWALSKA- text, music, lyrics, direction and performance

Ela TOLAK- costumes and set design